Registration And Fees

Super early bird registration (before 1st June 2023) Early bird registration (1st June-1st September 2023) Standard registration (after 1st September 2023)
Single Delegate
Two delegates sharing a room (per person- the other delegate needs to register separately)
€ 3025 (per delegate)
€ 3325 (per delegate)
€ 3725 (per delegate)
Delegate + one accompanying non-delegate (total for two)
€4435 (for two)
€4735 (for two)
€5135 (for two)

To secure your place and to use the relevant discounted rated, a €1500 (per person) non-refundable fee should be transferred to the below account by 1st June (for super early bird), by 1st September (for early bird). The balance is due by 1st November 2023.

Fees should be  transferred to:


Lloyds bank

Sort code: 30-99-50

Account number: 56701068

IBAN: GB72LOYD30995056701068


Registration Is Now Open

Spaces are limited. Registration will close as soon as capacity is reached